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HeBei BaiTong County plastic Machinery Co., Ltd.To provide customers with comprehensive

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  • 400-0317-807
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  • BT100-120 automatic six station rotational type bottle blowing machine
  • Product star:
  • Product model and parameters:
  • This model is applied to PP , PE raw material plastis products. Mainly used for fruit bottles, pesticde bottle, medicine bottles, veterinary medicine bottle, cosmetics bottle, stick ice, sealed plastic tube, health care products bottle, 84
  • helpline:400-0317-807

  • Commodity
Product details

全自動(dòng)四模轉(zhuǎn)盤式吹瓶機(jī)【BT100-120 型日化專用機(jī)】

This model is applied to PP , PE raw material plastis products. Mainly used for fruit bottles, pesticde bottle, medicine bottles, veterinary medicine bottle, cosmetics bottle, stick ice, sealed plastic tube, health care products bottle, 84 disinfection agastache rugosaq, bottles, etc) to control of plastic products . Production specifications 10-800 ml of plastic products control.
Technical parameters:
1Diameter of screwΦ55
2Screw (L/D)ratio25/1
3Plasticizing capacity50kg
4Extruder motor power7.5kw
5Turntable power0.75kw
6Heating power12kw
7Blowing way底吹 / 側(cè)吹
8Product volume(L)10ml-800ml
9Theory capacity1500-5000PCS/hr
10Mold width125mm
11Mold thickness118mm
12Working pressure0.4-0.7Mpa
13Air consume0.4m3/min
14Turntable Dimension (LxWxH)1700×1330×1450mm
15Extruder Dimension (LxWxH)2350×900×1780mm
16Cutting way切刀 / 刮刀
18Power supply380V(三相四線制)

automatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machineautomatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machineautomatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machineautomatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machineautomatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machineautomatic bottle blowing machine

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