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  • BT200 direct air blowing bottle blowing machine
  • Product star:
  • Product model and parameters:
  • This model is applied to PP, PE raw material plastic products. used for fruit bottle, pesticide bottle, medicion bottles, veterinqary medicine bottle, cosmeticsbottle, oil barrel atc hollow plastic products, (Production specifications 50-60
  • helpline:400-0317-807

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Product details

BT200 direct air blowing bottle blowing machine

This model is applied to PP, PE raw material plastic products. used for fruit bottle, pesticide bottle, medicion bottles, veterinqary medicine bottle, cosmeticsbottle, oil barrel atc hollow plastic products, (Production specifications 50-6000 ml of plastic products control ). The machine adopts jie brand deceleration machine, variable frequency speed regulation, japan omron close to switch.
Technical parameters:
1Product volume(L)100ml-2500ml
2Products number of every mold1 個(兩模)
3Clamping times60-300 次 /hr
4Min mold thickness120mm
5Max distance of mold platen300mm
6Clamping force50kn
7Diameter of screwΦ5538CrMoALA
8Screw (L/D)ratio25/1
9Plasticizing capacity50kg
10Main motor power7.5kw變頻
11Heating power12kw
12Blowing way上吹氣兌口
13Operating systemPLC歐姆龍
15Mold platen size(LxW)350×300mm
16Dimension (LxWxH)2600×1400×1900mm
17Working pressure0.4-0.7Mpa
18Air consume0.5m3/min
19Cutting way熱切料
20Power supply380V(三相四線制)

automatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machineautomatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machineautomatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machineautomatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machineautomatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machineautomatic bottle blowing machine

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