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聯系人: Yan manager
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您所在的位置:首頁 >> Products >> automatic bottle blowing machi
  • BT65 type automatic double station bottle blowing machine
  • Product star:
  • Product model and parameters:
  • ◆ Electrical system: Japan Mitsubishi PLC and man-machine interface (Chinese or English), color touch screen. All the technical parameter setting, modification, indication, trouble shoot and so on function can be realized on the touch scr
  • helpline:400-0317-807

  • Commodity
Product details


Electrical system: Japan Mitsubishi PLC and man-machine interface (Chinese or English), color touch screen. All the technical parameter setting, modification, indication, trouble shoot and so on function can be realized on the touch screen all the components are longer working life.

Hydraulic system: Proportional pressure control, with imported Yuken hydraulic components, providing reliable control.
Plasticiser system: High-efficient mixing screw to ensure the melt to be good quality.
Speed-adjusting system: Invertors and alloy hard gear-surface reducer guarantee the speed to be smooth adjustment, longer working life.
Mold-clamping, mold-moving system: Horizontal mold-moving system with high precision, less stress and high speed.

Product parameter:

1Product volume(L)6L
2Clamping times60-300 次 /hr
3Diameter of screwΦ6538CrMoALA
4Screw (L/D)ratio25/1
5Plasticizing capacity60-90kg
6Driving power11kw變頻
7Heating segments4
8Heating power16kw
9Lift range0-150mm
10Clamping force78kn
11Platen opening stroke150-550mm
12Mold size350×460mm
13Mold thickness155-300mm
14Max diameter of die head150mm
15Heating power6kw
16Heating segments3
17Total power40kw
18Average energy consume28kw
19Air consume1m3/min
20Dimension (LxWxH)4000×2300×2800mm

automatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machineautomatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machineautomatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machineautomatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machineautomatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machineautomatic bottle blowing machine

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