
Hello! Welcome to the official website of HeBei BaiTong County plastic Machinery Co., Ltd. Ltd.

7*24 hour hotline400-0317-807

HeBei BaiTong County plastic Machinery Co., Ltd.To provide customers with comprehensive

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  • 聯系人:Yan manager
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  • 服務熱線:

  • 400-0317-807
聯系人: Yan manager
電    話: 400-0317-807
傳    真: 0317-7696987
郵    編: 061600
郵    箱: 1002168888@qq.com
服務熱線: 137-857-57188
地    址: South Industrial Development Zone, Dongguang County City, Cangzhou City
您所在的位置:首頁 >> About >> Enterprise spirit

Harmony: in harmony, enjoy the world together.
    Integrity: with the ethical standard, the customer.
    Pragmatic: have a pragmatic attitude and create a leading brand.
    Cooperation: cooperation and development together.
    Innovation: continuous innovation, pilotage welder area.
    Brand concept: quality shows value, service delivery sincerity.
    Values: build a people-oriented core value system and realize the sustainable return of enterprises and partners.
    Mission: to improve the efficiency and automation of bottle blowing equipment with the application of bottle blowing technology.
    Vision: to be the leading supplier of welding equipment and services.
    Quality assurance: r&d and testing internal control, the company has passed ISO9000 quality management system certification.

联系我们: 合川市| 黄龙县| 东山县| 苏州市| 湟源县| 大渡口区| 五寨县| 蒲江县| 揭阳市| 环江| 石城县| 定南县| 曲阳县| 依安县| 临沭县| 监利县| 垣曲县| 南华县| 冀州市| 武强县| 武安市| 庆阳市| 徐汇区| 昌图县| 正阳县| 霞浦县| 饶河县| 长寿区| 郸城县| 松潘县| 越西县| 北京市| 建宁县| 莱州市| 屏山县| 太仆寺旗| 台东市| 视频| 甘德县| 肇州县| 霍邱县|