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聯系人: Yan manager
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傳    真: 0317-7696987
郵    編: 061600
郵    箱: 1002168888@qq.com
服務熱線: 137-857-57188
地    址: South Industrial Development Zone, Dongguang County City, Cangzhou City
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  • BT280 type mouth blowing type bottle blowing machine
  • Product star:
  • Product model and parameters:
  • BT280 type blow moulding machine is suitable for plastic products made from PP and PE raw materials. Mainly used in fruit bottles, pesticide bottles, veterinary bottles, cosmetics bottles, machine drums and other central control plastic pro
  • helpline:400-0317-807

  • Commodity
Product details
BT280 type blow moulding machine is suitable for plastic products made from PP and PE raw materials. Mainly used in fruit bottles, pesticide bottles, veterinary bottles, cosmetics bottles, machine drums and other central control plastic products, production specifications of 500-6000 ml of plastic control products. Bo with BT280 against the mouth of bottle blowing machine adopts Jie reducer, frequency control, Japan OMRON proximity switch. The transmission part adopts frequency conversion speed regulation form. According to the relevant products, the machine can be equipped with automatic cutting machine equipment.
Technical parameter:
制品容量 1-6升
每模制品數量 1個(兩模)
合模次數 每小時60-300次
產量 5000-25000(24小時)
最小容模厚度 120mm
模板最大開距 380mm
最大鎖模力 50KN
主機螺桿直徑 Φ65 38CrMoALA
螺桿長徑比 25/1
最大塑化能力 50公斤
主電機功率 7.5kw 變頻
加溫功率 15kw
吹氣方式 上吹氣兌口
操作系統 微電腦PIC
機組總質量 2000公斤
模板尺寸 460mm×290mm×45mm
外形尺寸 2.9m×1.7m×1.68m
耗氣量 0.5m(立方)/min
切料方式 熱切料
電源 380v(三相四線制) 變頻

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