
Hello! Welcome to the official website of HeBei BaiTong County plastic Machinery Co., Ltd. Ltd.

7*24 hour hotline400-0317-807

HeBei BaiTong County plastic Machinery Co., Ltd.To provide customers with comprehensive

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  • 聯系人:Yan manager
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  • 400-0317-807
聯系人: Yan manager
電    話: 400-0317-807
傳    真: 0317-7696987
郵    編: 061600
郵    箱: 1002168888@qq.com
服務熱線: 137-857-57188
地    址: South Industrial Development Zone, Dongguang County City, Cangzhou City
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Welcome to my website!
更新時間:2019-09-25 13:32:20 瀏覽次數:843

Welcome to my website!  
Dongguang Baitong plastic products machinery co., LTD is located in the famous Chinese plastic of the township -- Hebei Dongguang county, 104 national road, Beijing-Shanghai railway from the south to north, running through, the transportation is convenient, unique geographical environment.The company covers an area of 10,000 square meters and is a professional manufacturer of plastic bottle blowing machines.


  • 上一篇:Stationary type automatic blowing machine
  • 下一篇:沒有了!
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