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HeBei BaiTong County plastic Machinery Co., Ltd.To provide customers with comprehensive

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  • 400-0317-807
聯(lián)系人: Yan manager
電    話: 400-0317-807
傳    真: 0317-7696987
郵    編: 061600
郵    箱: 1002168888@qq.com
服務熱線: 137-857-57188
地    址: South Industrial Development Zone, Dongguang County City, Cangzhou City
Products / PRODUCT SHOW?
您所在的位置:首頁 >> Products >> blow molding machine
  • Stationary type automatic blowing machine
  • Product star:
  • Product model and parameters:
  • Technical parameters: Nmumber Name Data 說明 1 Product volume(L) 50L 2 Diameter of screw Φ90 38CrMoALA 3 Screw (L/D)ratio 25/1 4 Plasticizing capacity 60-150kg 5 Mold platen size 950×1080mm 6 Platen opening stroke 450-1050mm 7 Mold size
  • helpline:400-0317-807

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Product details

Technical parameters:

1Product volume(L)50L
2Diameter of screwΦ9038CrMoALA
3Screw (L/D)ratio25/1
4Plasticizing capacity60-150kg
5Mold platen size950×1080mm
6Platen opening stroke450-1050mm
7Mold size780×900mm
8Mold thickness460-560mm
10Clamping force320kn
11 Accumulator volume6.8kg
12Max diameter of die head350mm
13Down blowing scope0-250mm
14Air pin scope150mm
15Opening scope140-420mm
16Working table scope0-400mm
17Extruder heating power16kw
18Die head heating power20kw
19Extruder motor power37kw變頻
20Oil pump power18.5kw伺服
21Total power95kw
22Average energy consume53kw
23Dimension (LxWxH)3150×3550×3700mm

automatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machineautomatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machineautomatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machineautomatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machineautomatic bottle blowing machine
automatic bottle blowing machineautomatic bottle blowing machine

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